
Call for applications: participation of African youth in the first edition of the “Lomé Peace and Security Forum” (LPSF)

The Togolese government is organizing, on October 21 and 22, 2023 in Lomé, the first edition of the “Lomé Peace and Security Forum” (LPSF) on the theme “How to strengthen political transitions towards democratic governance in Africa? “.

Two days of intense exchanges and frank discussions on the issues of political transitions, the consolidation of democratic governance, the construction of solid institutions and the rule of law, and the strengthening of peace and security in Africa. (For more information www.lpsf.tg).

The Forum, the work of which will focus on these sensitive subjects for the present as well as for the future of the continent, will bring together representatives of African and non-African governments, high-level experts, stakeholders from civil society organizations, the academic world, media, international organizations, business and professional organizations and young people.

The Forum is open to young Africans who represent the future of the continent and will offer them the opportunity not only to exchange with the various stakeholders, but also to present their messages and/or pleas in favor of peace and the future of Africa.

Twenty (20) young Africans carrying the best messages or pleas in favor of peace and the future of Africa will be selected following the selection on criteria of quality and relevance.

The text or the manuscript the volume of which does not exceed 1000 words must be written in Times New Roman, 12 points and single spaced.

The best messages or pleas accepted after selection will be presented by their authors during the Forum.

The practical and logistical arrangements for participating in the forum will be sent later to the selected candidates.

Required profile:

  • Be a young African whose age is between 20 and 30 years old;
  • Have a very good knowledge of the African continent in terms of security, geopolitics and economics;
  • Have a good knowledge of the functioning of sub-regional and international institutions;
  • Have a good knowledge of French, English or any other commonly spoken African language.
  • Have a good capacity for synthesis and writing.



Applications including a separate sheet (containing the title of the message, the Surname and the First name(s) of the candidate, the age, the country, the e-mail address, the telephone contact), the curriculum vitae, a motivation letter and the Word file of the candidate’s message or plea text should be sent to the e-mail addresses: [email protected] or [email protected].



  • June 22, 2023: Launch of the call for applications;
  • June 30, 2023: Start of submission of applications;
  • July 31, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. GMT: End of receipt of applications;
  • August 07, 2023: Preselection of candidates
  • August 14, 2023: Contact by e-mail and interview of candidates pre-selected
  • September 1, 2023: Publication of the final list of candidates selected.


Any application sent after the deadline indicated above will not be taken into consideration.



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